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Shipping Container Style Tissue Box Metal Iron Storage Box White
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Product Code: ODTWJGQ9NO Item Code: 5KGE31AQY4
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Average Processing Time
0.37 business days
Better than 89.85% of suppliers
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Better than 70.45% of suppliers
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Better than 100% of suppliers
0.13 times
Better than 10.15% of suppliers
Changes in key information
0.02 times
Better than 72.24% of suppliers

Are you tired of ordinary tissue boxes cluttering your space? Say hello to our innovative Container-Inspired Tissue Box – a unique fusion of practicality and aesthetics that will transform your everyday tissue needs into a stylish statement. This tissue box takes inspiration from shipping containers, creating a bold and contemporary look that seamlessly complements any modern decor. It's not just a tissue box; it's a conversation starter.


Dimension: 9.8"L x 5.5"W x 5.9"H

Weight: 0.6 lbs

Material: Iron

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