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1PC retractable bathtub storage rack, bathroom rack, storage board, bathroom bucket holder, shower tray, bathroom rack, bathtub tray, bathroom storage supplies
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Product Code: 3PABZIFFH7 Item Code: FV2852UBE1
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Supplier Shipping
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Average Processing Time
0.33 business days
Better than 91.79% of suppliers
Refund Rate
Better than 69.4% of suppliers
Fullfilment Rate
Better than 70.15% of suppliers
0.88 times
Better than 4.33% of suppliers
Changes in key information
0.22 times
Better than 69.55% of suppliers
made in China
Item number: Bathtub storage rack
Number of layers: 2 layers
Color: transparent
Function: retractable, removable
material: plastic
Installation method: foldable
Storage scene: bathroom storage
Category: Bathroom rack
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