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25pcs/28pcs drawer polka dot transparent black storage box multifunctional stationery and cosmetics classification storage box desktop drawer cosmetics sorting storage box set table and drawer storage and storage products cosmetics storage box
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Product Code: JIFPA6CBD1 Item Code: HTPKCB3V44
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** in stock, ** in transit
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Supplier Shipping
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Average Processing Time
0.33 business days
Better than 91.79% of suppliers
Refund Rate
Better than 69.4% of suppliers
Fullfilment Rate
Better than 70.15% of suppliers
0.88 times
Better than 4.33% of suppliers
Changes in key information
0.22 times
Better than 69.55% of suppliers
made in China
Pattern: see details
Product Category: Cosmetics storage box, desktop storage box set
Colour: Black
Specifications: 28-piece set, 25-piece set
Product features: storage, lightweight, combinable,
Product launch time: see details
Scope of application: other
Material: PET
Storage scene: bedroom
Style: modern minimalist
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